Retreats // Exploring Grief, Gratitude, and Reverence Through Poetry, Meditation, and Movement

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August 27-31, 2024
With John Brehm & Alice Boyd
Alton L Collins Retreat Center
Eagle Creek, Oregon
In this five-day in-person retreat, we’ll take a deep dive into the nature of grief, gratitude, and reverence. We’ll explore the relationship between these powerful emotional states and learn how cultivating gratitude for everything, even for our pain and suffering, can lead to reverence, and how increasing our capacity for reverence can enhance our lives and heal our planet.
In our time together, we’ll practice:
—finding safety in the present moment
—cultivating gratitude for all that life offers us
—creating stability through awareness of the body
—recovering our sense of wonder and reverence through poetry
Rates (4 nights & 12 meals)
Single Room: $750
Double Room: $600/person
Teachings offered by donation