Login general notes are here.

Your personal login page is: here

Media Library general notes are here.

Your personal media library is here

Pages general notes are here.

The pages on your website that have editable content will show little “Edit” links on the public-facing page when you are logged in. These links will take you directly to the page in edit mode.

Alternatively, you can access the pages here.

Retreats, Classes and Testimonials are all updated via their special custom post-types in the black sidebar.

The information for the blocks at the bottom of the homepage for group classes, individual lessons and retreats is created in the pages for those sections (using the excerpt field).

If you re-use an old retreats record, be sure to update the “publication” date (top right) to keep the sortation correct.


The testimonial posts have a radio selection by which they sort into class testimonials and retreat testimonials. That is the mechanism by which they display on the right pages. “Class” is the default selection, so you just need to change this when you create a new testimonial for a retreat.

Be sure to put the testimonial-giver’s name in the special field labeled “Author” This will ensure that the style of the testimonials remain consistent.

To select testimonials for the homepage testimonial carousel, you will need to go to the testimonials section in the dashboard and hover over the title of one that you wish to use in the carousel. As you hover, the record ID of the testimonial will be displayed in the lower left corner of your browser window. You will need to make a note of that and other testimonial record IDs end enter them in.


The news page is essentially an archive of past newsletters but there is the option of editing the text at the top of the page here (above the widgets you see there):

Newsletter archive page